Embodied Wisdom for Courageous Women
Welcome to this sacred portal of embodiment, honoring the heart and living in alignment with your inner wise woman.

2023: New Moon Gatherings on Pause

The women's new moon gatherings are planned to start again in May and notifications will be sent out as soon as dates are set. Gatherings include yoga nidra, circling/sharing, women's yoga practices and chanting. The gatherings are recorded for those who cannot attend live.

1:1 Ayurveda Inspired Yoga Therapy

Are you ready for individual integrative guidance for becoming your best self as you navigate personal growth? Sign-up for a 1:1 yoga therapy and Ayurvedic Wellness consultation.

Women's New Moon Circle & Monthly Membership Tribe

The new moon is a potent time for planting seeds of creation, intuiting intentions, and dreams for the upcoming cycle. Join the circle and movement tribe for guided support each month.
Your Body is the Vessel, Your Heart the Guide.
Welcome to this sacred portal of embodiment, where you are invited to open your heart and mind to a pathway of living that honors your inner wise woman, the part of you that is authentic, courageous, and a warrior in this world.

If you are here, you are likely a woman who is looking for resources, connection, and support in awakening the true wisdom of your heart. You express yourself through your emotional body and are looking for ways to develop a deeper meaning and purpose in your life. This may be the beginning of your journey or you may be in the middle of deep transformation that is asking for you to re-evaluate your values and way of being, so that you can grow into a whole new expression of your brilliance. You may even be one who identifies as a wisdom holder; one who is healing ancestral wounds and living in this modern world with heart, compassion, and authenticity.

As you live in witness to the grace and challenge of these modern times, you are a warrior of love, who journeys into the depths of what matters most in her life. A sacred vessel for creativity, expression, social change, and truth. You are fierce, full of compassion, and willing to mine the depths of your soul to bring forth true purpose in the world. The door to your deepest wisdom is ready to be opened and nourished; your heart waiting to be discovered at its core. All of who you are is welcome here.

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